Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Flowers

Does your table ever look like this??? Several projects everywhere ?It happens so minute it's cleared off and the next minute you can't find the table! And as you can see I have a little helper ..My work table is small... maybe too small... but it works because of all it's drawers it has to store my things in...

And some Friday Flowers..... I am hoping you'll post your Friday Flowers next friday with me ...These blue canning jars become my favorite vases...

Friday, August 20, 2010

What i'm Reading.....

Has anyone else gotten this??? Oh my ... It is a magazine packed full of color and pretty..You can sign up for a catalog on their website and get yourself one ! It's not like their regular catalogs ..this time it is like a magazine ...and well worth the wait for it to come...
My two favorite finds from this weeks treasures.....
These are both old ..same plate..just two different shades for some reason.... Definatly keepers though...

Have a great weekend !!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fresh Picked Studio

Some fresh picked little flowers from my garden and arranged them dainty they fit perfectly in this little creamer.
Trying to gear up for a busy week, the barn sale starts Thursday ... so I have been working over there to get ready ....but managed to almost finish my studio RE-DO !!I don't know if you remember the before but here is the after !!!!!!!!!!!

I am just so happy with the results .....

I used mostly white with aqua accents ....and pink too...

A place to hold inspiration .....I wanted my room to look like a little room, and not like the hoarders stash..he!HE!

P.s( My shops will be closed starting Thursday till further notice .....)FOr the barn sale ..
and will of course take lots of pics of all the treasures for you to see.....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Confiture de framboises

Confiture de framboises~
Thats how you say Raspberry Jam in French...... I made a bunch of it yesterday and wanted to share some with you ..It is also organic .... 99% of everything I eat is organic or locally grown.... I covered the tops of the jars with old sack cloth ,tied with linen ribbon and labeled around the lid.... who wouldn't love to receive one of these???

Yum ! Yum! Besides making jam ... I am hoping to do strawberry tommarow....I have cleaned out my studio ....and listed a bunch of supplies and a vintage dress in my etsy shop ... if anyones interested....

I also made this cute utility apron.. I love these becasue there so handy to wear when selling at shoes... A heavy canvas with two pockets ..linen ruffles .....girly trim and a rose I made using vintage fabric..... Tie one on! This one is listed in my shop but I made a few others like this one I'll wear at the Barn Sale next weekend and I made one for my friend Jenny to wear..cute huh?

Monday, August 9, 2010


This is definately a keeper....

I picked this up at a little antique shop in town ..and i just fell in love with it...The stitches and old fabric...
I have been feeling so much better .. it's like a huge ball of energy has exploded! I am so glad I didn't chicken out from the surgery ... ahhh... I flushed my heart pills and it felt great! So.. I have been tinkering in the studio .....

And feeling so inspired .. to create ...

Something pretty ..................

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A little vase of peonies for you .

Thank you for all your well wishes ~ The surgery went very well ..I even made in back home on Monday and I am feeling so much better.A little sore from the insisions but will be Back to a normal life ! I have been taking heart pills for over a year now everyday for Supraventricular tachycardia that have caused me to wake up tired, be tired all day ...affecting my creativity !

If I could give you each a little vase like this of peonies ,I would.....becasue you are each so special to me ...Thank you again for all your prayers . I am so happy I didn't chicken out and just did it, now no pills and more energy to create !

And now I'll have more time for this creating with a bowl full of trinkets like these.... xo

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Say a little prayer

If you would please say a little prayer for me , tommarow i will be having my heart surgery . It won't be open heart surgery ,they will be going in through a main artery . I have been just trying not to think about it ...

A little nervous but will be back to post again..... Thank you .